WHEN: Sept 21st to 26th 2020
Go Gold Cambridge will be holding 1 hr battles every evening from Sept 21st to Sept 26th. Each tournament match will include 16 players consisting of 15 contestants and 1 Go Gold Cambridge host. On the evening of Saturday Sept 26th, the winner of each of the battles will compete in one final match to determine the over all winner.
ENTRANCE FEE: $20/ player
Each player will need to provide a donation of $20 to Go Gold Cambridge and a completed registration form including a parent's authorizing signature in order to play in the tournament.
The winner of each individual match will be awarded 1000 V bucks with the overall winner taking home the grand prize of 13500 V Bucks. The number of matches and the number of players in the final battle to determine the overall winner depends on the number of entrants into the tournament. We will do everything we can to accommodate all requests to play, however spots may be limited.
HOW TO WIN: Most number of kills
Each battle will be 1 hour long with re-spawning allowed. Winners will be determined based on the most number of kills by the end of the hour. The same rules will apply for the final battle.
AGES: 2 age groups; 8yrs to 13 yrs and 14yrs to 18yrs
Every player must provide their age on their registration form so that GGC can appropriately create tournaments of similar age groups and skill level. Each individual battle will be separated into 2 separate age groups, however the final tournament will see all players battling for the final prize together regardless of age.